Life Currently

Happy Wednesday friends!

It’s been a minute but I feel like I’m finally getting everything under control…SLOWLY haha

This post might be a little long and a bit of a ramble but here we go life updates and what’s been happening-

Around the last week of Jan this year I started on a health and wellness journey, and committing to it! Now almost 4 months in this is something I can never see changing. I hit the gym 4-5x a week and it has improved my mental and physical health immensely, I know that’s not surprising!

To add to that I promised myself that this year I would go back to dance, I’m back to West Coast Swing Classes and will be adding ballroom dance back in as well. This is a long story as to my whole experience in dance so that blog post will come at some point. I’m just so happy to be back to what I love the most! Dance is a HUGE part of who I am.

I’ve also committed to taking care of myself this year so self care is a real thing. I carve out time once a month to get a facial and beauty services to take care of my skin and make me feel my best! This has been huge for me as well! I’ve never viewed these things as a necessity but this is something I now can’t live without!

As for business I’ve been on the up and up this year and I’m so grateful for that! When I quit my 9-5 job in 2020 I didn’t know if I would ever be in this place where I’m not chasing the bag and trying to do more and make more. While I of course have goals I want to hit this year I’m prioritizing working with clients that see the value in my services and who I get along with, GAME CHANGER!

This year I’m really focused on doing me and what makes me happy, just these things alone have helped me greatly. I feel like me for the first time in a long time and it’s just getting better! My word of 2023 is CHANGE and there has been so much of it already and I can’t wait to see what’s next but my focus: My Health, My Wealth, and My Happiness :)