Happy Tuesday, friends!
This week we have two blog posts going live and we’re are celebrating something super special today! 5 years ago today I launched Lifestyle with Laramie. I could have never imagined that five years later I would be where I am today!
I started my blog as an escape from my 9-5 office job. A place to talk about everything I enjoy from fashion to travel to everything lifestyle. I slowly grew to take on paid brand partnerships and invested in myself. I hired a business coach, I took mastermind classes and webinars. I’ve built a course and products and things I only ever dreamed of.
I quit my job a year ago to pursue this full time and I couldn’t be happier! I’ll talk move about that story and all about that next week!
I’m so thankful for all of you! Whether you have read my blog posts, purchased products, or commented or liked my posts I can’t thank you enough for all your support and kindness over the years! I can’t believe I’ve made it to this point and I can’t wait to see where this continues to go!