Happy Wednesday friends!
I hope your new year has been off to a great start so far! We were sick during the holidays and are finally getting over it, as I was suffering from a sinus infection that kept lingering…ugh!
But enough of that, I wanted to share some updates and some goals I have for the new year with you! First off we are hoping and praying that this might be the year we get a house, now this is not for certain and hard to think about with the FL housing market booming and everyone moving here so we are keeping options open but that is something I would LOVE for us this year! As far as business goals, I’m hoping to double my income from last year and continue to serve my clients and help you all thrive on social media! If you need help building your social media let me know HERE!
A few personal goals include, I’m sure like most, to drink more water, move my body more and focus on my mental and physical health. Not for weight lose but to feel better!
I hope you have great success this year and would love to hear some of your goals for the year!