Happy Wednesday friends!
This week I wanted to share a life update and talk about a few things here that I’m super excited about!
First off Travis and I are getting ready to move…again! Yes you might recall we made a move last November and not even a year later we are moving again, this time only about 20 minutes away so not a big deal. We received an amazing opportunity we couldn’t pass up and are super excited for a bigger space and new place (hopefully the last new place before a house). I’ll be sharing more décor posts and home things on the blog as this place we will be replacing a lot of furniture and different things that would come with us to a house.
This move is going to allow us to hopefully start preparing for buying a house soon so we are doing everything we can to really prepare and set ourselves up for success when we finally decide to purchase a home. The market is super crazy right now so we are holding off for now.
Finally I’m working on some major goal setting and working on those goals before my 30th birthday at the end of the year. Some of those goals include working on my health, bettering my business, and really preparing to start my 30’s off right.
Hope y’all have an amazing rest of your week and I’ll see you soon!