Hi Friends!
It’s been a while but I wanted to catch you up and give you some life updates! The holidays were extremely busy and we had quit a few life changes mixed into the last month of 2022 so I took a step back from social to focus on business.
In December Travis was let go from his job in mortgage, if you’re in that industry you get it, he’s making some career changes and helping me while I’m building my business A LOT! So needless to say we are working a lot right now building something that will provide us a lot of freedoms in the future!
Fast forward to the new year, my word for the year is CHANGE as there are many changes I’m hoping to make and see come to fruition this year! I’m focused strongly on my business and creating a healthier and more balanced lifestyle!
As we start to head into February already, wow! I’ll be bringing you all more lifestyle and fashion content along with some business tips and strategies that I’m loving!
Cheers to the new year friends!